Our Catholic Life and Religious Education
‘When Jesus is asked which is the greatest commandment, the answer is the same in all three of the Gospels in which the question is asked: to love God with all your mind, heart, soul and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself.
The call to love is at the heart of the educational mission of every Catholic school.
Our first purpose is to ensure that all pupils understand the faith and Mission that gives the school its identity as a Catholic school. Our second, is to ensure that all are invited to learn how to worship God in spirit and truth through the prayer and liturgy of the Church. The third, is the formation of all to live in conformity with the pattern of human goodness, truth and justice that we find in Jesus Christ.’ Through religious education, pupils are invited to love God with all their mind, through prayer and liturgy with all their heart, soul and strength and through the Catholic life and mission of the school to love their neighbour as themselves.
The policy on Catholic life and Religious Education complements the Prayer and Liturgy policy and the Relationships, Sex and Health Education policy.
The aim of these policies is to show how faithfully Saint Edmund’s and Saint Thomas’ Catholic Primary school responds to the call to live as a Catholic community at the service of the Church’s educational mission.
Our Mission Statement
" I have come that they should have life and have it to the full…"
John 10: 10
Inspired by the teachings of Christ, St Edmund's and Saint Thomas' Catholic Primary School encourages and guides our pupils and all our school community to have a strong sense of service, love and compassion.
In this way, they are encouraged to develop a vision for what they want to achieve with a zest for living life to the full.
Our Children’s motto is:
Love, Learn and Live like Jesus