St Edmund's and St Thomas' Catholic Primary School


We expect your child to attend school all the time, aiming for 100% . We monitor our pupil's attendance at school and ask you to inform the school of any reason for absence by telephone or by letter.

If we have not received a communication from parents or carers about a child's absence then the school will operate a first day response and one of the office staff will contact you to establish the reasons for absence.

If the school has concerns about a child's pattern of absence then it will make a referral to the educational welfare officer in Sefton Local Authority after attempting to improve attendance issues in partnership with the parents or carers.

The school no longer accepts applications for holiday leave in term time as the policy has changed as of 1st September 2014. Parents who persist in taking their children out of school for holidays in term time will be liable for a fixed penalty following referral to the local authority. A child who has high rates of attendance at school will have many opportunities to maximise progress and in partnership with our families, we strive to ensure high rates of attendance across the school.

The school's attendance figures for 2023 2024 are as follows;

Whole school attendance 93.5%

Authorised absence 4.7%

Unauthorised absence 1.8%

Thank you for your continued co-operation in this matter.

Kieran Loftus




