St Edmund's and St Thomas' Catholic Primary School


What does Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and Foundation Stage mean?

Key stages are the groups that have been set up to administer progressive standardised tests in England. each key stage consists of a certain range of school years. The tests in each key stage show how a pupil is doing in the areas of maths and English

Key Stages are grouped as follows:

Early Years Foundation stage ages 3-5 (Nursery and Reception) the Foundation stage covers two years; one in Nursery and one in Reception.

Key stage 1 ages 5 -7 (Years 1 and 2)

Key stage 2 ages 7 - 11 (Years 3 -6)

When we refer to infants on newsletters we are referring to children in Reception and Years 1 and 2.


No jewellery must be worn in school as it is potentially unsafe. Studs, one per ear, can be worn in pierced ears, but please, no sleepers or loops. Watches may be worn by children in school, but we must point out that they must be responsible for them. Sometimes during the year toys may be allowed e.g. during the Christmas parties, but once again, these are sent in at your own risk. Accidents can happen anywhere and whilst staff will do their best to ensure the safety of the children's personal property, we cannot be held responsible if something is dropped or accidentally broken in school.

Illness at School

In the event of your child taking ill at school, we will ring one of the emergency contact numbers to arrange for them to be taken home if that is necessary. Therefore, it is very important that these contact numbers are kept up to date.

Please notify us immediately if you have changed numbers or moved house.

We are not allowed to administer medication in school. If your child has been ill and has been taking antibiotics they should be kept at home until the course of medicine has been completed. If, in extreme circumstances, your child needs to take any medication whilst they are in school, we would have no objection to a family member coming into school at lunchtime to give whatever is necessary to your child.

After contagious diseases like chickenpox or measles, please check with your doctor before sending your child back into school. At various times during the school year, your child will be seen by the school nurse or the dental officer. You will be notified before these routine checks take place.

N.B. The school nurse no longer checks children's hair for head lice. It is vital therefore, that you check your child's hair regularly.

 Archdiocesan School Levy

This is a Levy that is paid by all Catholic Schools towards the repair and maintenance of school buildings, and is a way of assisting the Archdiocese in ensuring the continuance of Catholic education. All families with children at St. Edmund's and St Thomas' School are asked for contributions based on a precise formula. The formula for arriving at a fair and equitable contribution has been set a £10.00 per family per year. This can either be paid in one lump sum or two payments of £5.00

School Meals

Dinner money is currently £13.00 per week (i.e. £2.60 per day). Payment should be made in advance through the School Gateway app.  Should your child wish to change from hot meals to packed lunches (or vice versa) this can only be accommodated on a weekly basis.

How do I order school uniform?

You can order our school uniform through School Trends , Monkhouse Schoolwear in Moor Lane, or Paul's Place in Stanley Road, Bootle

Can I take my child out of school for holidays?

The school no longer authorises term time leave for holidays. Only in the most exceptional circumstances, might the school authorise leave and current patterns of attendance will be taken into account should such a request be made.

For any holiday, parents must always ask for a ‘Request for holiday' form from the office or ask for an appointment with the Headteacher.

Authorised / Unauthorised Absences

When your child is absent please make sure you inform school either by letter, phone call or personal visit. Any absences without explanation are classed as unauthorised.

If your child arrives late, they will receive a ‘late' mark. These will be noted on your child's report. Children who are persistently absent or late will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer and a home visit may be necessary. If your child arrives at school after 9.30 a.m. with no official reason given, they will receive an absence mark, as regulations say they must complete 2/3 of a session to be considered present.