St Edmund's and St Thomas' Catholic Primary School


How to get involved

Our school has a very active PTA which organises many social and fundraising events throughout the year. All parents and carers are automatically members of the PTA and are encouraged to join in! A number of our parents and friends come into school to assist in class with reading, trips and art. You will require CRB clearance in order to do this which the school will facilitate. Our governing body is made up of Parent and Teacher Representatives, Archdiocesan Representatives, Sefton Council Representatives and our School Parish Priest, Fr John Cullen.

Our PTA Facebook page is now up and running and can be located by the following link : 

PTA Events

Please also take a look at our Facebook page "St Edmund's and St. Thomas' Primary School PTA "

Your PTA Needs You!!!!

We need new Members, New Ideas……Everyone Welcome

All children in the school would like to thank our PTA for the money given to them to improve their class libraries. Parents, we hope you have enjoyed seeing your child engaged in these books at home, as we have in school! Total amount raised from our Race Night was just over £2000!

This would not be possible without your continued support.

Many thanks,
